
You've become the everyone to me,
You are there hidden in everyone
A laugh or a sigh or a freckle
For long enough,
For long enough I thought you and I were
Hurried footsteps landed me by a computer screen
Bated breath left me waiting
But, babe, you're the best
The light in the darkness
In those months
You changed me,
I wanted for the first time to be a better person
To change and run away and escape this
And so you fell in love, only not with me
And so I fell in love, only not with you
I can't make an excuse for the torture these boys have put me through
I can't shake the feeling of being alone when you're not there to comfort me
I can't explain why my heart skips and jumps
And floats when you talk to me
I miss you, and I miss who we used to be
Before I got broken down and chopped up
And before you got too busy to worry about a little kid like me
The fascination I have for you is quite obviously
Something more, crush or infatuation, I can't decide
Short and sweet is how this will read
Because I can't tell you everything I wanted to
And so I probably never will
Oh, but Paige, you make me remember why I keep on going
Even with the distance both literally and metaphorically
I apologize for this and its ultimate fail
I can't exactly write well now-a-days
But I love you, no matter
That, my friend, will never change.