The Darker Side of Nursery Rythmes 2

Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick.
Jack jump over,
The candlestick.

Having too much fun,
And having a good show.
Jack lit more then one,
Making the room sparkle and glow.

Jack jumped high,
Jack jumped low.
Jack jumped over,
and burned his toe.

With an intense wail,
For the child did not know better.
He began to flail,
And kicked the candlesticks, making things redder.

The flames caught wind and wood too soon,
And jack fell silent.
His mother hammers the door to his room,
curses of a loud Tyrant.

When flame and candle caught Jack by the leg,
The boy screamed and teared away.
His mother forcing the door open to plead and beg,
For her little jack to try and keep the flame at bay.

All too soon, however,
The flames engulfed little jack.
His mother watch in horror,
as she held her self back.

For in this fumble,
with crisp clear thoughts.
Jack wasnt so nimble,
No, he was not.
♠ ♠ ♠
i honestly got bored and just decided to write it... >.> Im not trying to be perfect in poems!