Never Without Hope

I will never ask for anyone but you
I will never want anyones smile but yours
I will never want a hug other than yours
I will never want a kiss to grace my lips unless it's yours
I will never forget our time together and the moments that stole my breath away
I will never forget the laughter
I will never forget the tears
I will never forget the feeling of waking up in your arms
I will never forget your sent, your taste, your smile, your laughter, your tears
I will never forget you my love
But I will never have you again
You have left me here alone and broken
Unwanted and unloved
But I will never be without hope
Hope that one day I will fond someone better
Someone that won't make me cry
Unless from laughter or happiness
Hope keeps me going, keeps me sane
I may not forget you,
But i will move on
I will learn my lesson
I will love again
I will be happy without you