the story of a raindrop

The Story of a Raindrop


just one
in this crowd
of several hundred million.
I am the first one that starts to fall.

A thousand others come crashing behind me –
colliding and combining and connecting and it’s
just a free fall, nobody knows where we’ll end up.

I could wish on a star that everything will be okay,
but the stars don’t listen and it’s pointless anyway
to keep hoping when you can see all the others
smashing on the ground. You can tell that it’s
over when you picture the translucent
blood of friends that came before:
merging together to create
one big puddle


It’s my turn.
The black ground
rushes up towards me
as I plummet towards where
my short life will soon be ending.
Shadow figures line the streets below.
I don’t know where else I can go but down.
Maybe someone can get used to falling like this.
I finally hit the ground and I can’t feel it anymore.
The street is cold and all I hear is the music of sirens,
lights in blue and green fill the screen of my fuzzy vision
until all I can see is darkness, even if the lights stay neon.
Then a new blinding brightness sets in; this time it looks
a little familiar, something I might’ve seen before in
another lifetime, or maybe just so long ago
that I can’t remember well enough.
The light of the sun.

* This is supposed to be centered, but I don't know how... Can anyone help me? x[ I don't really know coding stuff. 'Cause I'm just hopeless that way =]