missing you

i miss you.

whenever i think of those 3 words, all i wanna do is cry my eyes out.

why do i want to?
maybe because you were the best thing that ever happened to me.
the only one i wanted to be with forever.
to be held by you and to be called your one and only.

i remember every word you ever said to me
and i believed them all too. even when you called me beautiful.
dont worry, i meant every word that came out of my mouth.

even though i'm with him, not a second goes by that i dont think of you
even when im hugging or kissing him, i try to pretend that i'm with you.
stupid of me, i know but thats how much im missing you.

do you know how hard it is to see your face every monday night
or to see your name on my news feed on facebook?
i just get memories flooding back into my head
and all i want to do is turn back time and be there.

i dont even know what to write anymore......

i guess all im trying to say is i still love you,
i just hope you feel the same way.