I'd die for you.

Your pain cuts through my veins.
Drown your sorrows in my pain.
You suffocate on your nightmares.
As your heart turns numb,
Making it harder to let everyone in.

See the sunshine through your cloud.
They take a piece everyday,
Satisfied by your love.
They know you can never hate.
They know you will never feel.

I watch you sleeping, dagger in hand.
Death feels closer every second,
torturing your mind with regret and betrayal.
Poor girl, she thinks I'll never understand.
Let her escape and break into my heart.

Dreadful screams are released from your mouth.
As those green eyes stare at me,
I stand on my weakest point.
My breaths turn cold,
And my heart stays warm.

Take every piece of me,
And turn your heart back into one.
I promise you, we'll make it through.
On God's hands,
I'd die for you.