Dark shadow

we were together and happy
till i became empty inside
i thought you would be helping me but you made it worse
i couldnt be in the same room with you
let alone be with you...

I had to let you go
and escape my dark path
that was shattered in darkness

you had no idea what was wrong
I acted as if you were my everything
until it became too much..
I knew I shouldve waited...
But when I saw that Blade in my hands
near my wrist, my neck, my heart

I need to escape this dark shadow is what came out of my mouth

I know this isnt me
So i had to tell you,
you arent the person for me

Now you stare through my heart
with your brown,lovely eyes
you scare me at times when I look back into them
I can see your pain, sorrow, missing me

I need to escape this dark shadow

your eyes tell so much to me
I know you want me..
I kinda want you back

But I dont know if I will be strong enough to face it
alone, without you knowing
You would never know how to help
and you might end up making it worse
till I cant get back on my feet again
it would be too late
I need to escape this dark shadow forever..