Rest In Piece

you were always there with me when I was
sad, mad, angry, or just needed a friend with no judgement
who would just stay by my side until i felt better
listen to the words I spoke
and heard the tears I cried

But on a Friday morning you werent there
you werent by my side watching me sleep, or sleeping by me
you werent there to confort my sadness
or to hear me cries

You were up there in the clouds
watching over me not right beside me
guiding me

Stupid driver didnt look
and when he did see your tiny body
it was too late
he smashed you

Tangled your bones into millions of pieces
crushed your soul
took your spirit
but left your body to torture me
to make me realize that you were really gone

Why did you make me see him
see how the vicious wheel
crushed him like he didnt exist
like he was just a can that someone threw out the window

It was a short event that will last a life time

It happened as fast
as the speed of sound
but that memory is engraved in my brain
for a life time

why must god do this
he was my true friend
the only guy that never made me happy
enjoy life
the one i would always love no matter what
and he would love me

My bestfriend for life
he was my puppy Bruce <3

You will always have a special place in my heart,
no matter what