
Waves of dust wash over my tired eyes
Across the ruin, I can see where the reservoir lies
A pool of life-giving water curtails my desire
But my throat still burns with never-ending fire

These legs that have accompanied me for so long
Have grown limp and lost the ability to be strong
My broken, tired hands can no longer build anything
And my torn lips have lost the ability to sing

Across the plain, I can hear the voices of others
As they dance along the plain with their fellow brothers
Whilst I venture across the unforgiving tundra of dust
And soon wait for the day when my body begins to rust

Then perhaps I can lay my head upon the sand
And feel G-d’s tender, loving hand
Upon my still-beating shattered glass
To take away my life, and make me an unimportant mass

Then, perhaps I can begin to dream once more
To the earlier times that happened before
Before I lost my will to open these eyes
And set out to find where death’s domain lies

Discovering such a site drains one of their might
Soon came the day where I begged for the solace of light
Only to see it be whisked away by the cold warmth of the dark
Then the wind came to me, and placed its cursed mark

Upon the ruination of my broken face
A sign that I would never leave this place
Perhaps now I can pray for the aurora of the rain
To come to me and wash away my parasitic pain

But once these eyes open, the nightmare begins again
My search for death’s hollow darkness called a den
Where then I can end my incarnation as a man
And begin my pathetic life as a forgotten lamb

A follower to the all-mighty shepherd
Just another lonely heart in a herd
Awaiting for the day where we are struck down
And in our own darkness we can finally drown

Then within the malevolent night all can see
The souls of those who are finally free
Their drowned voices no longer hollow
Words of forgiveness they can finally swallow

For no longer do they have no purpose to wander
Their lives now, they can finally hope to ponder
Past mistakes are laid to rest
And their souls are forever trapped in Death’s brooding chest.