I Pity You Father Dear

Alcasabas, Mika, “I Pity You Father Dear”
The date of my birth,
White room, flowers and balloons everywhere
People visiting every minute of the day
Faces all a blur but none was yours

I pity you father dear

The first breath and step I took
The first word to escape this mouth
They were all there
But you were gone

The choices I make no longer concerns you
For that the choices you made never concerned me
You were a coward
But I thank you for leaving

Birthdays have pass I invited you twice
Not once have you heard my cries
Not once did I see your face

Now I want you to know
What a mistake you made
I have left our home
Not once will you ever see me

I may never know half of myself
Soon I may care
But not now,
Not now
I pity you father dearest,
Sincerely your daughter.