
A child
Born of no home
Given a light
To call your own
Nothing compares
To the love that is given
Everything is good
In the light of this love

Imagine a child
Born of the same
With no hope of a home
Or talk of a name
Bring the dark
And fear alone
No one shall care
What comes of your soul

You beg and steal
To feed yourself
Now you know
The world
A cruel being
With no thought of you
Just to consume
The little light you knew

Now you have grown
To be a man of your own
Will you save the fate
And give it a home
Or leave it be
And let it alone

Be the one that saves his soul
Though life may be hard
In this dark hole
Bring him the light
The love the life
Of what you may
Or may not have known

For it will not be easy
To show him your path
Overgrown it may be
With thorns made to catch
Fear to come easy
And courage not
I know you will do right
To light up his life
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda write depressing stufff