Love Note To The Smoking Heart

Light flickers on as we stand around
Take a hit of that cancer stick again
I know it wrong
I'm being hated by friends
And I hate myself for wanting it

Buy a pack (but not yet)
It may turn to 2- 3 or 4
Addition feed off on me
And the smoke pours out
What have i done?
Gotten myself into trouble

The best friend could become the worst enemy
If only she could never know
We cant hold out for long
I know it wont last
16 gone on dead
And I guess I deserve it

The thought of knowing you know
Feels like a lie I should have never started
And I'm sorry
I dont mean to lie
To hurt your like that
I've known you since forever

And I'm sorry
Because we both lied
I was the second in this lie
She knows nothing
She does it to experiment
I do it because I'm -
Addicted, like you to FOB
And I'm sorry
I wish we could stop

But it's not that simple
We're tasting life at the top
He tastes life at the top
I'm not trying to impress
I dont want to
But I want to let go
If only for a moment
And live life in the clouds

I'm sorry for this lie we started (months ago it seems)
And I want to take it back
But you cant know
You cried on the steps the first time
And you cant again
Your my friend (one of the best)
I cant hurt that
I cant loose that

And I'm sorry for this lie we started!
Please let it go
Let the thought leave your mind
Just listen to the music we do
And it will all be alright