Torn Wrists And Broken Hearts

It seems like everywhere she goes they don't see the face in the mirror
You don't see that she is fake
But nothing can get clearer
Can't you see it's her life that's at stake

She screams "Look at these arms I tore apart
Just to shut up my stupid broken heart"
Can you for once believe her blank sighs
Can't you see the hurt in her eyes

She's so much more then the girl in blue
She could have gotten help from anyone but she chose you
Just so she could watch you walk out the door
Is that what you were waiting for

Did you want to break her a little more
You called her an attention whore
An attention whore, when did you stoop that low
And now she wants them all to go

Wait no
Not her best friend, not the knife
Even you know
That piece of metal will be the end of her life

So watch the monster you carved into her brain
Quickly and painfully drive her insane
She is trying to drawn this monster on her wrists
But she can't get him just right so she is getting pissed

She is screaming her head off threatening to end it all
You left her feeling so small
Why did you leave anyway
You never did believe she could do what she could say.