
I have never had anyone to go to

Open up to

I have no one

I am in a full room with every one talking but it is emty im my eyes

no one talks to me i dont talk to them

i shiver in my bed from cold

no one to hold me

I am by myself

i try to reach out

but i always get shot down

i dont have family

i dont have friends

a cold and dark room, life is

i shiver from fear of getting lost and no one to help me

I fear that i will be hurt and have no one to call

so please reach out to me

i will take anyone

Hey people uh mostly xxxlonelywolfxxx made this i just thought up the title and the idea about the freinds :P

The seconed i said "we should name it lonely she started to type she didnt even let me talk... btw.......
she dd do all the work and most off it was cuz of me so shes the one that has to be thanking me.............

Haha hi its me xxxlonelywolfxxx she thought nothing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrr! its not my fault i can think of sadder stuff easier!!!!! dont give her all the frikkin credit!!!!!!!!
Well luv u ppl!