No Life to Live!

My boyfriend is gone

My best friend ditched me

My sister died

She was my only family

i failed the 11th grade

and now i have to go to summer school

i have to pay rent with money i dont have

What is life worth living for?

I have no friends

i have no happyness

i only have saddness and pain

dont get near me i will hurt you

i have no right to live

I have no life to live

I dont have a reason to survive,

No reason to keep going

I just might kill myself in the morning

and never come back

i dont think they would notice

no one even cares

no one comes over and sits next to the girl that sits alone

I have no life to live

Yup guess who! if you guessed xxxlonelywolfxxx u were right and yess it was another daisy gomez made up the title and lonelywolf typed up the poem moments hey comment is if you like it!

kk maybe she did al the wrok but hey its not my falt everytime i make up a title she ends up typing the whole thing and yess i do mean the WHOLE she always says dont talk ill lose my consetration i think that wat she said i wasnt paying atanching i was half asleep when she was talking to me!!!!!!!!!! by the way its daisygomez31...........

hey you never but in you always are like you do all the work so ya and its i will lose my train of thought not concentration and i am like 80% asleep so dont fight wit me

im fighting wit u rite now wat r u going to do!! and by the way no one cares about ur train of wateva!!!!!!!!!!! btw she did do al the work hey its not my falt she cant open her profile....... lol:)

hey its your account i have tried a million times to log out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 so ya it kinda is nd i no we are frikkin fighting nd its weird cuz we are right next to each other and we could have had this coversation aloud but now we are posting it for all the readers to se nd ya we should submit this now we took up a lot of room fighting

ur rite.... this probally lik the second poem in one!!!!!! by the way ur the one thats writing alot......... and it is true i just wasted 20 minutes of my life just standing here typing our conversation when ur lik 1 inch away from me...... not kool........... btw i forgot wat to say oooh ....yea!!!!1 ummmm...we didnt even get to sleep a seconed we been up the whole day and my eyes are burning lik forreal...........

well on that note by ppl! luv ya :)