The Sacred Hearts Of Friendship

I have not seen the beauty
I am blind as it grazes by
So many forms, and I don't know why
I lied and said it wasn't.
For now I see it as it is
It's not just what it appears.
It's deep inside each one of us,
even ones that disappeared.
I have not heard the beauty
I am deaf as it sways on by.
The rhythm of it's heartbeat
And the colors of it's soul.
For I have not made the beauty happen
Until I met you.
Laughter sounds the air
Where silence once stilled it.
I have seen the beauty
The beauty of people.
The bonds and friendships they share.
For I have heard the beauty
The beauty of people.
The bonds and friendships they share.
To take something and claim it yours,
Is tragedy at hand
For you do not claim or own,
But simply give, and embrace what's up ahead.
Friendship is but that, you do not take the relationship for yours,
But let it take it's course.
Friend of mine,
Just let me say
You gave me the best of days.
And what I can do in return, is way beyond just words,
But hopefully, I'll show you some day
And let nature take its course.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to my best friend Caitlin a.k.a. SprinkledToastInACan <3
Love ya Caitlin ♥