Hearts Entwined.

Sitting under the canopy
staring at all the trees,
My breath is taken
By this girl who has caught my eye.
I know I don't know her yet, but she already means so much to me.

As I'll walk over to say my Hello's
Trying my best to act all Mellow and such
Even though this doesn't work out much
As I'll meet her I'll finally greet her and stare at her eyes.
Wondering of how gorgeous a girl that I have found.

No words can change the feelings that come to my mind
If this shall be first love I shan't want to forget her face.
As it'll make my heart race.

We'll talk and we'll talk about her dreams and her innermost truths
I'll listen and listen and I shan't forget the things that I've heard.

Later on in life I can now call her mine,
Something that makes me intermostly fine.
I'll hold her hand and she'll hold mine.
Our fingers interlocked lets our souls combine.

As those tree's hunch over in black
Reminding me how I don't want to go back
To that life, Without her.

As I'll kneel, Hoping that this moment is real.
Opening up that box to see her eyes gleaming with tears.
Knowing that I have banished all of her fears.
As I'll listen for those two words, I do.

We live the life we've always dreamed.
Even easier then it ever seemed.
She makes things so easy to comprehend.
She means so much, that I can call her my best friend.

We tell our stories to the miracles that we have made.
Giving them happiness, our love, and more memories for them to be made.
I sometimes wonder how we were lucky enough to have this girl and boy.
That makes us realize, the terrible things were worth it, for this endless joy.

As we lie in out bed hearts entwined.
I look at her wrinkled face and she looks at mine.
I still see the twinkling in her eye, that caught my attention the first time.
If we were to die in each others arms, it wouldn't be a crime.
We both knowing this is how we should go.

Later on they'll put flowers on our graves,
Our miracles all grown up, with loves of their own.
Forever I've known, they would never be alone.
I love you's that no one could take.
With our eyes closed our hearts will still race.