I should have saved you

I thought it would be easier
not having you near
but for some reason I still have this fear
a fear that one day you will wake up and realize
it wasn't your fault, but mine.

I should have saved you
I could have saved you
I had so many chances
so many times through the years
why did I give in
why did I give up

I should have pushed back
I should have stood up
stood up and said, “NO!, not again.
You don't get to rip him away from me again!”
but, I didn't.

Why didn't I, you ask.
Because I am weak.
Because I was scared
Scared to let the world know that I love you
but, now I am alone.

Alone, all the time.
I wake up alone,
I go through the day alone
I go to bed alone.
If I had just stood up,
maybe both of us would have been better off

but now I am left to go though
my life alone with this guilt
I took your life from you
and for that I am sorry

I love you
never forget that,
my dear.
♠ ♠ ♠
i wrote this to someone that i love and miss very much.
but i will never get the chance to say it to him.