Life as it is to me.

Have you ever thought to yourself that I’m not good enough or thought that nothing is going the way you want it to well I’m a very good example of that nothing ever goes my way everything bad is always happening to me sometimes I just wish that I was never born cause I think I have nothing to live for. I think I only have one best friend and sometimes it’s hard for me to actually say she really is my friend. People think it’s funny to make fun of me because they think I’m the type of person who does nothing with her life when they need to grow up and get to know me before they judge me. Here’s something those people didn’t know I started to smoke when I was just in grade 4 and just stopped last year I think I have a drinking problem, getting into drugs for the wrong reasons oh and i used to cut myself shall i go on and people just don’t seem to get that I am out of control and all they do is make fun of me. I don’t know who I am no one understands me and I think I have now said all I need to say.