A new sun

It was an early summer day,
When a little boy came running to play.

All was there to look out for,
Was the opening of the new toy store.

The hardest pain he could imagine,
Was as he watched a mosquito and lay afraid of getting bitten.

His strength came from his toys,
As he sat there thinking up naughty ploys.

But then time comes out in silence,
Robbing him of these days of innocence.

Day after day the time has flown,
And the little boy in the garden has now all grown.

Standing now in the garden where the little boy has grown those cherries,
Putting back together his lost fragments of memories.

The strength that used to come from playing now comes from the heart,
Where love now has began to take part.

Yet he still has to learn,
That the heart will give him the greatest burn.

Nothing hurts as much as love,
But even when in pain he can’t have enough.

It’s a wonder what time does to one,
Yet every day is a new day with a new sun.