Do you ever,

do you ever..

-cry just to cry
-lie on your back just so you don’t have to stand up
-do something just because you can
-light paper on fire just to watch it disappear
-run just to see if you still can
-forget who you are
-forget where you’re at
-forget your past
-forget what you were doing
-stop mid-sentence because you’d rather not tell anyone
-lie just to make someone just so you could stay somewhat un-attached
-write poetry when you’re sad
-sleep your life away for a day
-read to keep yourself from thinking
-think because you don’t want to read anymore
-wish you were someone else
-wish you could fly
-wish you were something you weren’t
-wish you were anywhere else but here
-want something you didn’t have
-want someone you couldn’t have
-smile to give the allusion that you are happy
-tell yourself everything is going to be okay when you honestly don't think it will
-listen to music to drown out your heart beat

I do.
