
As a gleam of hope
crosses my mind
you start acting differently,
like you're losing faith
like, al hope is gone
I lift your chin
and look within
your eyes,
they come as empty,
like you're nowhere near-
and so we begin
our journey through time
the stories I hear
send shivers up my spine
oh, God.
they scare me
intrigue me
I must know more
maybe, just maybe
we aren't so different
with a jagged background
I ponder
Through bad times
and good alike
I wait
just anticipating
a crash
a turn
a path to reoccur
but nothing
absolutely nothing
comes to mind.
as I watch
the secrets unfold
into a masterpiece
of whcih I like to call-
no longer fear
I empathize
for I know how you feel
you're worriedI hear it in every syllable you speak
for they are weak.
lacking intuity
i don't know
if I can help
or give even an illusion
of security
I offer my everything
mind, body, soul
is it enough
or are we on the brink again
of a breakdown
major malfunction
I dig in
searching for an opening
not clue or insight
I gain fright- again
is this the beginning
or is this the end
I sit and listen
to the song of your misery
I can feel it
pulsating through your veins
as I touch your wrist
I understand
the reasonings
as to why you are you-