
Sitting in the hospital, my mind on you,
I'm scared and I don't know what to do.
If you die, will you know that I had loved you,
If you die, will you know that I cared for you more then you knew?
Our family gathers in the waiting room,
You'll be in surgery soon.
Grandpa I love you, please don't die,
Please don't leave without a good-bye.
Grandpa I love you, please don't scare me like this,
If you do die, Grandpa, you will be missed.
We've waiting what feels like years,
And when we go back, you joke about beers.
You came out of surgery and put uncle Billy's quote to use:
"I wonder how many beers I can fit into this tube"
We laughed at you and left the room,
We'd see you soon.
You're getting better Grandpa, I'm so happy for you,
I'm so happy, I don't know what to do.