If Ever Your World

This is for you.
Yes, you with the lonely eyes.
Remember, "alone" is impossible.
Find that person before you say your goodbyes.

If ever your world starts crashing down,
when you step out the door to a thunderstorm,
when you step back in and it still feels like rain.
When you swim until you feel like drowning,
when you are the only one who can save you.
When silence is your shadow from a sun that never shines,
as the life leaves your eyes,
when the rain gets in,
and your umbrella has long since gone.
When nothing seems real,
because nothing really is,
when life is a weight on your shoulders,
and you're lost on a trail of misery.
When you can't get your bearings,
because this road has not yet been mapped.
If ever your world starts crashing down,

we'll talk.

The thunder won't be so loud,
the rain will die down,
i won't let you drown.
A real sun will shine,
i'll bring the light back to your eyes,
i'll be your umbrella.
I'll show you reality,
life will not be a burden.
Your path will be plotted,
inside and out, i will save you.
If ever your world starts crashing down,
that's where i'll be.