so what if i'm different?!

so this is a little poem about me,
how unique i am and see different to what others see,
so what if i may like to wear black,
don't judge me like i'm a piece of coal in a sack,

i may have tough skin all around,
but that skin soon wears down,
until the anorexia allows you to see my bones,
please i beg you don't bully me with stones,

i'm only human with so many ideas,
your voice is wearing thin within my ears,
i'm not listening to you anymore,
i've realised how pathetic you are,

i prayed one night out to God,
yes i found God and i feel protected now,
a whisper said 'what won't kill you will make you stronger',
so i took his advice and descided to live a lot longer,

so i'll set on to live my life,
but remember this i'll come back with a knife,
to haunt you in the night,
with vengence i'll cut you into tiny peices, starting with your sight,

so think again,
and remember...

sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words do fucking hurt me!