
The night was stormy and unpeaceful.
I lay around patiently for the peacefulness of nights slumber
Little do I know that peace was not an option.

I find myself leaving this world,
strange rather there was no cause
or reason for such an event to take place.

Suddenly the screams were about me,
piercing my very heart and soul.
Shaking the foundation of my core.

A deep dark laugh in the distance.
Seemingly at ease and enjoying itself.
A pleasent smile touched his face.

The horrors around me were unspeakable
the screams of the tortured, the dieing, the damned.
All seemed to take place simultaneously.

Suddenly I was pushed forward.
Two shadowy creatures held me fast,
when they spoke my doubts about this place vanished,
There voice was my own.

These shades lead me toward a fiery pit,
many people were already there,
screaming out as the fire torched there very soul.

The fall seemed like an eternity,
I fell toward the flames,
which seemed to dance with anticipation.
As I met its fiery gaze.

As my eyes opened
light streaming through the window.
My mind focused on the events that took place.

Was this just a simple dream?
Or was this the fate Destiny had envisoned for me?

My mind lingered for a moment,
Wondering what the darkness of my heart,
was truly capable of.