Ocean's Deep

I stand,hands and arms off the railing
Looking from my hotel room's balcony
Out to the vast darkened sea.
The air as cold as can be
With the wind from the East,
Silence fills the coast--

Nothing but the sound of waves passing,
And people chattering in the rooms beside me.
A sigh escapes my lips
As I close my eyes.
The voices are all cut from my mind.
All that's left is the soothing splash--
And sway.

My head tilts up as I stare at the sky.
Dark blue-green eyes piercing the moon
As it slowly rotates by.
"A full moon tonight,"--
I whisper to me.

Back to the ocean is where I look,
Catching the sight
As a whale is off to migrate.
Wishful thinking--
Of being like thee.
Traveling when I please--

Deep below the sea.
Pass the barriers that humans cannot,
And roam--
The Oceans Deep.