
You were the one i wanted to be with
And without you I felt I was falling from a cliff
I know I didn't show it
So you didn't know it
But now it's too late
Your with your guy, and there's no debate
There's little chance you'll ever see this
So there's no reason to clench my fists
I treated you bad
Especially when I was sad
You were hurt, when you saw me cut
And then there was that dirty slut
I pulled a one nighter
Then burnt myself over and over with a lighter
Through all the tears
I couldn't forget with a thousand beers
All the times you showed your love
And I treated you like a dirty glove
I called you every night
But that still didn't make things right
Just like this won't make it better
But neither will a thousand page letter
Only time will tell,
And maby someday I'll leave my shell.