Suicidal tendancies

Slit my wrists and make it deep
I hope I might go to sleep
Because if I die before I wake
I will no longer be a fake.

I like to scream i love the pain
So take that knife and slice a vein
Make it slow and make it hurt
I know i've really been a jerk.

So if I cry then do some more
I'm sorry i've been a sore
I'm out of your life, you closed the door
So leave me alone you fucking whore.

You think it's all a fucking joke
Go ahead and slit my throat
You stupid bitch I hope you choke.

Paint a picture with my blood
Make it look like a fucking flood
Cut me like you know you should
All because you left me
I knew you would.

You broke my heart
You ripped it apart
So im going to break your heart
Just like you broke mine.