To Hell and Back, We Went

I had quite the time,
just you and me.
Always together,
close as could be.
The hardest times,
shattered all we could own.
Two lost little people,
in the dark and alone.
Held hands in the black,
every color would fade.
To Hell and back,
was the price that we paid.
Every thought we would keep,
bottled up in a jar.
Kept it closed at all times,
Too near, or too far.
You could've told me it all,
never had any doubt.
I could've stood there and smiled,
At things i told you about.
But we cried and screamed,
through the silence we fell.
'Til we hit rock bottom,
broke straight through to Hell.
You pulled me back up,
Never once did you scold.
Kept that same steady hand,
i was dying to hold.
I had fallen so hard,
So far down i was sent.
On my good side,
to Hell and back we went.