Tile to Nose.

Two knees pressed upon cold floor,
Her shaking hands grasping at her drop of mix,
She never thought she’d get to this point.
But still she clenches,
Her cold body , blue and shaking.
She will not lose this weeks supply,
To her its needed more than air.
As her body reaches a desperate high,
she gives up scratching her reminants of the ground.
Now her and the tiles are in a stare off,
the cold turning her whole face pink.
But still she wants to not waste these hits.
She presses her brittle finger against a nostril,
Swiftly she in hales through her nose.
Her body perks up and she rubs her face,
Her eyes roll back and water up.
Being desperate isn’t right for her.
But getting every nook of these hits is.
She doesn’t mind being a mess,
as long as in the end she’s satisfied.
So again she bends back to the floor,
flicking her hair back,
And once again you hear the noise,
Of the only thing she has left entering her system.
You hear it 4 more times, consecutively .
A smile glimmers upon her face,
and her glassy eyes almost seem brighter.
How sad it is that this poor girl,
has nothing but drugs in this world.