
Oh the smell
so sweet and subtle
and when your lit afire
the blaze ever so tender.

The scent wafts up into the air
creating a beautiful fragrance.

The smell so sweet and subtle
so alluring and ravishing.
Oh dear this is lovely
the smell of the Raspberry-Lime.

Something so atypical in name
yet so admirable in colour and vibe.
Oh Raspberry and Lime
thou speak to me fluently.

Caressing the air with your positivity.
Enlighting us into fantasy.
So sweet, so subtle
yet so strong and beautiful.

The newest benevolance
the greatest virtue of the day.
Lock away the sins
shut out the darkness with your bright flame.

Bring the beauty of the tame fire.
Bring the essence of subtle desire.
Let us feel your smooth embrace
Let us enjoy you alluring grace.

oh sweet candle
that of Raspberry and Lime
bless us with your lovely scent
put to rest unrequired time.
♠ ♠ ♠
My mom bought me a new scented candle while she was at michaels the other day. She thought it just said rasberry so she picked it up thinking I would like it.
When she got home I told her it said Raspberry-Lime and she felt bad but I said I would keep it anyway and try it out.
So i lit it for the first time the other night, and the scent was soooo sweet and subtle I fell in love with it, now I light it up everytime im in my room.