
Why do I care?
Why can't I leave the past alone?
I don't know. I can't find a reason.

No, that isn't true.
My reason is, I'm in love with you.
And I hate it.

I hate how you don't feel the same way,
I hate that I can't change my feelings.

I hate the butterflies that you always give me,
and the endless heartache.

Can a heart be broken in the literal sense?
Because if so, you ripped mine to shreds.
And It hurts SO bad.

You make me weak in the knees and I hate it.
You make my head spin and you make me sick.

Why are you so amazing?
And why do I have to suffer for it?
It isn't my fault.

I didn't ask to fall in love,
I didn't ask for this!

♠ ♠ ♠
Just something I had written a while back... it's not spectacular, more of a journal than a poem, but I felt weird putting it in the journal section. anyway. Four years have gone by and it's still completely relevant. Maybe now more than ever. I miss you.