Apology Letter & Reply

Hello, old friend
It's me again
We haven't written in a while
I know your number, but I never dial
I know where you live, but I never come by
Are you still mad at me? I hope not I'd die
Come visit me soon
Cause I still miss you
I'm sorry for what I said that night
I know now I wasn't in the right
I don't know what came over me
I didn't mean to hit you, I swear
I know I should of walked away
But I mean it, I really do care
I really hope you write me back
Please give me one more chance
I'm sorry, I never should've touched you
I was in some kind of trance
It'll never happen again
I'll never hurt you again
Please write back your reply
Now I guess goodbye

Here's my reply -
Screw off jerk. You didn't mean a word you said, and my bruises are still healing, inside and out.
"Love,"(yeah right)