No Longer Your Presence

You told me together we’d have a happy life,
You told me I would make a brilliant wife.
I believed the words you spoke,
ignoring the painful poke.

But where are you now as I lay on our bed,
looking like the dead?
I’ve been waiting for so long to be in your arms,
Instead I will be staring straight ahead risking harm.

There you are, I found you again!
You’re in a club now and then,
Looking into her eyes and no my own
I can remember when this all felt like home.

No longer do I hear you speak,
Not even as I soar to my smouldering peak.
When I hear your name I look up almost expecting to see you.
All I see is the emptiness that the lack of your presence caused.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a crappy little poem I made in 5 minutes. Please review and tell me what you think anywhere.