That Feeling

You know that feeling you get
When you jump into the water
And you've reached that point
Where you're no longer sinking
But you're not yet rising to the surface?
You know that feeling of the water rushing,
And the only sounds are that
Of bubbles forming and popping
And water splashing?
I want that feeling
To be the last I ever have.
I want to stand on a bridge above a deep lake,
Or on the edge of a cliff above the ocean.
I want to fill my pockets with enough rocks
To weigh me down forever.
I want to take that step and feel
The water rush around me.
You know that feeling you get
When you jump into the water
And you've reached that point
Where you're no longer sinking
But you're not yet rising to the surface?
I want that feeling
To be the lastI ever have.