Seeing through the dark

Darkness filled my being,
my heart,
my soul.

Everything seemed hopeless,
I wanted to give up,
I wanted to give in.

The voice of all the people I love surrounded me,
Urging me forward,
Encouraging me to continue this fight.

Suddenly there was a peace,
I looked down into the darkness,
and looked upon the many others,
others who were fighting the same war as I.

I then looked to my left,
seeing others who were curiously looking around,
others who reached the same point as I,

I looked to my right,
to see the same thing,
Others who also reached this vary point.

I looked up,
a shining light in the distance.
the light that everyone has been fighting to reach.

There was an eerie stillness
The darkness that held me was getting ready,
the final battle was about to begin.
He would do whatever it takes to keep me here.

I took the time to wonder,
Do I stay?
Or do I go?
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired by the conclusion I made as I battle the darkness in my mind and in my soul.