I know you're not that kind.

Not sick of one,
Not sick of the other,
I'm only sick of them together.
They see each other every day,
To them their lives are all play.
They embrace each other lovingly,
Not considering what others may see.
They carry on so pleasantly,
Never even noticing me.
I used to be the best friend,
Someone she'd love til the end.
But now that he has come along,
I feel like I just don't belong.

Why does this happen?
Why is it so?
Why does it feel as though shes let go?
What happened to our friendship,
One that used to be so strong,
But now is fading to the back?
Was it like this all along?
Was it destined to end when she found him?

I feel this view of things to be rather grim.
I try to think of positives,
But my heart just continues to ache.
I wish I could see differently,
The things going on between her and me,
But every time I try,
I just begin to cry.
My heart aches, my eyes tear,
This is always what I've feared.
Lonely, downhearted, and lost,
But I will get past this,
No matter the cost.

Our friendship means more to me than I can express,
I will give everything I have, and nothing less.
I know we can get past this,
This whole big stupid mess,
I just hope my heart mends and stops ripping out of my chest.
I've hurt so many times
From people abandoning my side.
I know this won't happen again,
I know you're not that kind.
♠ ♠ ♠
I cranked this out when I was really upset so it's a bit rough, but please let me know what you think :) thanks <3