That's all we'll ever be

So many things I long to say, but so afraid to speak.
So many things I long to do, but too afraid to move,
I'm weak...

These things I hold inside,
the truth that remains untold,
are all things I want to say,
but how do I let them unfold?

Fear binds me and jumbles my words, how can I ever win?
This fight is never-ending,
A battle that rages within.
The battle against heart and mind, there's nothing like this kind.
Every time I make a choice,
solid as it may seem,
things never go the way I want,
so why continue to dream?
I'm ready to give up,
this endless battle inside,
Then you show once more what made me care all this time.

You make my life so difficult,
yet I cannot walk away.
I cherish the times we've spent together,
you make me smile each and every day.
You're my best friend,
the other half of me,
And after all this time I finally see,
that's all we'll ever be.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one was tough for me to write, I actually wrote it on sticky notes on a rainy day sitting in my car and crying. Let me know what you think :) <3