
Underwater sounds overshadowing the other sounds of life. Water rushes in your ears as you sink into its welcoming embrace. Molding its form into every detail of your body. Surrounding you in an translucent and wavering light. But go deep enough and you would be surrounded by darkness. Arms flap to stay above but water reclaims your energy pulling you deeper and deeper into its warm embrace. Panicking you kick and gasp for mouthfulls of air. But none is there. As you sink farther below, there is no escape. You're afraid of what hides in this strange liquid. How could something so simple be so exquisite. So weak, yet so strong. So flexible but bonds can't be broken. As you continue to flap, kick, punch, scream, gasp, and shout. You realize there is no way out. And you allow yourself to be captured and tamed. You let yourself go.