Creating a Love Song

The words drop on to the paper,
floating there, not quite anything,
but not nothing,
the notes pair up with the words
creating a melody flowing
telling the unknown person
the three most misused words,
I love you.

Maybe not meaning it but
maybe meaning it at the same time.
Perhaps not truly understanding
the meaning.
Different instruments
accompany the slow melody
creating something beautiful,
a love song,

It speaks of the special person,
Lingering in their mind,
Not saying who,
but saying why,
Why they felt compelled,
To write,
To write a song,
Expressing their feelings,
Expressing a hidden meaning.

Hidden deep inside,
Under the words,
The notes,
Even the paper,
Woven in
the song,
the love song.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments appreciated!