
Wind sweeps through leaving but trace
of its existence through the chaos.
The clouds above grow dark with fury,
The loud booming voice
Of thunder announces
The arrival of lightening,
Silent but deadly,
Together both are unstoppable.
A threat,
Not threatening the lives of people,
But the source of their faith.
Their hope, their light, their soul.

The forest tangles it self up,
Trying to protect everything inside,
Weaving until it becomes a maze,
Not knowing where is in or out.
Trapping those outside, as well as in,
Doing what ever it takes to protect.
Waves crash against the shore,
Stopping any peace from emerging,
Whirling everything about,
Having no mercy,
Not even to the weakest creatures.

The source of the chaos,
Cannot be seen
By just anyone,
You must look closely,
For the invisible force,
Hidden under a cloak
Driving the madness,
Stopping peace,
Creating a world,
Where no one is safe,
Not even the strongest beings,
No where to run to,
No where to hid,
The only choice,
Is to stand up,
And fight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments appreciated!