Love Is...

Love is a painting,
drawn by fate,
controlled by chance.

Sometimes it is
a wonderful force,
that drives us through,
the struggle we call life.

On the other hand, that force,
which can turn as easily as a coin can flip,
also has the power to destroy,
those who dare to try and hold it.

Love is just a name we use
to express what we hold dear,
that feeling we have
that makes us do crazy things.

We associate love as something
that can hurt us,
that can destroy you in a second,
but that is not love,
that is heart break.

Heartbreak, the longing,
the pain, that is not love.
But most of all,
Love is what ever we wish it to be,
whether we look upon it,
as life or death,
is simply up to us.
♠ ♠ ♠
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