What Would You Say?

If I told you I missed you, would you say you missed me to?
Would you hug me and tell me that every thing is going to be all right?

If I told you I think I love you, would you say you love me to, but only in that brotherly way?
Would your reason be that you don't want things to be awkward between us?

If I told you that I regret what I said, and I need you to be like old times?
Would you tell me that you forgive me, and that you're sorry to?

What if I told you I was too scared to tell you these things to your face?
That I do love you and wish you'd come back, that I'm sorry.

Would you tell me you're sorry but your heart belongs to someone else?
That you can't forgive me because the wounds are too deep?

Would you reject me just like that, because you can't learn to forgive and forget?
Would everything I said be for nothing?

Would it be all in vain?
Would it?

I know that I can't do anything to prove to you that I am sorry.
But I just wanted you let you know, that I do love you, I am sorry, and I miss you a lot.
I know that words may not be enough to get you to come back, but it's all I can offer.

So, what would you say if I said I loved you?
What would you say if I said I missed you?
What would you say if I said I'm sorry?
What would you say if I said please come back I need you, I miss you, I love you.

What would you say…
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