When Do You Know...

When do you know when its time to let go?
let go of everything, all the pain,
all the hurting the mean things we've said,
time to let go... but do you, want to let go?
of the memories, all the laughs, the friendship,
the bonding, the secrets, do they all mean nothing?
When do you know when its time to let go?
after all the problems, the fighting,
the endless hours of fighting, about nothing,
about something, about everything,
everything useless to the mind,
every frustration we've had,
all the times we want to pull each other hair out,
but didn't because we are friends.
Who stick up for each other,
who make life all worth it through the drama,
through the boys,
and problem after problem on endless problem,
to make it all worth it.
So when is the right time to let go?
When we don't speak anymore?
when the problems had stopped
and the fight and the yelling but now
there is nothing, an empty void.
Silence, silence oh how i hate you,
there is nothing left i think.

So is this the right time to let go?
Tell me, when is the right time to let go?
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments appreciated!