I'm sorry.

The thoughts leave my head, as I roll up my sleeves
you ask, what are those? Those things, on your arms?
I take a second, only one second to spare
as I come up with lies
to calm your heart, mind. WHATEVER!
I dont care, just look at my wrists and ask more questions!
I'll just end up starting the whole routine over again tonight,
might as well see them while it looks 'good'.
I get dropped off at home, before you drive off
I hear you say, with your voice alittle hoarse
Your about to cry, as you say, I Love You.
I'm sorry, for what im about to do
I made you cry, and I cry all the time
You dont see it, the tears come out
red as blood, through my skin as I make it with my Blade.
I'm sorry
I feel dizzy, as I walk to the bathroom, to clean it up. it's to much to bear
I give up, as i slowly black out.
Wake up, it's too bright. I look around and nurses everywhere
"Mom?" I say when I find my voice.
She rushes over and pats my head.
I'm confused, as she talks. "I'm leaving." she said "Good bye."
I think to my self, hoping she'll hear, 'Thats alright, I'm leaving too...'