Let Her Go

I tried to speak
but she stiched
my mouth shut

glued me to the floor
made my heart stop
my stomach heave
at the thought of speaking
to her

Two months
no words
no messages

four years
and this is what she does
to me?

told me she was better
then left me
just like everyone else

she basks on her pedastal
selfish in her selflessness
telling me I'm wrong
telling me that I'm no longer
of her glorious light

Why can I not find
the strength
to tell her
what she's done to me?

Why can I not
show her my suffering?

Why can I not
let her go?
♠ ♠ ♠
My friend and I have been fighting for the past two months and I think its pretty much over at this point, I just can't get myself to tell her.