Body Image

I stand in front of the mirror
Disgusted at what I see
Why can't I be satisfied
With the way God created me?
I stare at the girl intently
With eyes full of disgrace
I can't find any beauty
No, not a single trace
Her skin is very pale
And her breasts are very small
Her legs are scarred and bruised
And her hair's not long at all
There are scars across her arm
From a past that wasn't kind
Her eyes are dark and hollow
A bit of mystery to the mind
It's true she's very thin
Where it matters, she's too small
She remembers the girl on TV
Doesn't look this way at all
Her hair was long and flowing
And her eyes were shining bright
With just the right skin tone
She could wear just what she liked
Her body was a masterpiece
And she carried herself so well
Being in this body I see here
Feels a lot like being in hell
Why is it that beautiful girls
Feel that they must flaunt?
Isn't it enough that they
Get every guy they want?
When will people listen
To the girls who look like me?
When will people search deeper
Than what their eyes can see?
How many times must I stand
Before the mirror with tears of shame?
When will I realize...
That we all can't look the same?
♠ ♠ ♠
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