Heaven Knows

I hop out my bed ready to start my day
I never once stop and look your way
Just go go..go I’m always on the go
You would think I would already know
What type of life I would find
A life of broken promise and lies
But still I just ignore the signs
I’m blinded by the worldly prizes
Not once do I look towards you
The Devil has clouded my view
Who am I kidding I just refuse to see
What you have planned for me
They say ignorance is bliss
But it’s my life that is miss
Day in and day out you try
To peel away the scales from eyes
I constantly turn away from you
why am I scared to see the truth
I don’t seem to understand
I’m steady trying to be a man
All I want to step my game up
But all I seem to do is fuck up
I’m looking on up
in the end that’s where I want to be
Right next to you that's what's up

I’ve falling flat on my face
I admit I have lost the faith
I just can’t seem to get back up
All I want to do is just give up
Who can praise amongst pain
Who knows if I will see better day
I constantly search for his blessing
Alas it has forever escape me
But how can I hope to see
When I refuse to seek
Please Lord teach me
Show me how you love me
You are never failing
Heal my battered broken wings
So that I may once again fly
And see that you are the light
Let me be a blessing once again
My father my dear friend
You patience to no end
Despite the fact that I hurt you
This does not change your attitude
Your love for me stays constant
Even when I am distant
A sheep that’s loss its path
A boy who running from his path
You will be there to guide me
To light my destiny