Childish Behaviors

My love, we ran through the grass.
Barefoot we tumbled,
The air whooshed fast,
My resolve had crumbled.

The itchiness of the green
As I found your face,
I made my face real mean
The real bad kiss, I taste.

Forgive me, my muscles, sore
I could not hold you up.
That soft face I adore.
It tasted like a rusted cup.

We both rushed stood straight.
dizzy for only a second.
You know we could relate.
and let's be candid.

We both left the park.
We might get lost.
As my dog barked.
Two innocent children who flossed.

And so I fell asleep
in my dad's car.
Without a peep,
I wonder where you are...

As children,
We had childish behaviors.
And like Jesus,
We all have saviors.

You were mine,
And I might be yours.
You were fine,
And I did chores.